Where Are You From?

Exploring family heritage through print, paint and stitch. 

My father arrived in the UK in 1962 to build a new life. His first job was in a restaurant in Penge, South East England. When he learnt some English, he graduated to waiter. My mother met him at the restaurant...Dad left a familiar world behind and started a new life. What must have that been like back then? 

Adding stories to the artwork by adding electro-conductive thread brings the artwork to life and gives the viewer an insight into unique lives.




Touch the image and listen to a voice. My mum outside The Festival Hall, 1968.
My sister Lisa in her blue cross pram. 1967.
Elizabeth Mary, my mother age 17. Coffee print and stitch.
  • Touch the image and listen to a voice. 
My mum outside The Festival Hall, 1968.
  • My sister Lisa in her blue cross pram. 1967.
  • Elizabeth Mary, my mother age 17.
Coffee print and stitch.